Helping keep Downtown Chico beautiful, clean and safe.

Beautiful. Clean. Safe.
The Downtown Chico Ambassadors program was established to provide professional services, comprising of safety and cleaning ambassadors, for the purpose of ensuring the best possible experience for visitors downtown. In addition to promoting the growth of Downtown Chico as a safe and desirable destination, the Ambassador team provides hospitality including directions and personal escorts to businesses and vehicles. They are a highly visible presence which increases overall safety and creates a welcoming environment. Ambassadors focus on discouraging petty crime and aggressive panhandling, while maintaining the cleanliness and presentation of the downtown district.
Cleaning Services
The Clean Team will serve primarily as a custodial service with a secondary role as a public information resource to district visitors, workers, shoppers and residents. Unless otherwise specified, areas of responsibility for the Clean Team include all pedestrian public rights of way, the sidewalks from the building line to the curb and alleys adjoining benefiting properties in the District. Activities of the Clean Street Team may include:
- Manual Removal of Litter and Debris
- Weed Control
- Handbill Removal
- Graffiti Removal
- Power Washing
- Mechanical Cleaning – Using the District’s mechanical cleaning devices to clean sidewalks and remove debris and litter from public pedestrian rights of way (including sidewalks, pedestrian skywalks and alleys) and tree wells.
Hospitality & Safety Services
The Ambassadors provide the following Safety related services within the boundaries of the Downtown District.
- Walking Patrols
- Bicycle Patrols
- Public Relation Checks with businesses
- Address Quality of Life Crimes
- After hour escorts to parking lot/ car
- Hospitality Services
- Information Sharing
- Reporting – Ambassadors will be responsible for completing Daily Activity Reports that include daily statistics compiled weekly and provided to the PBID Board and members. The Ambassadors gather information on incidents or criminal activity such as public intoxication, open container, loitering, trespassing, public urination, aggressive panhandling, etc. They have a direct line and often coordinate with Chico PD.
District Map