Board of Directors

Leading Change for a Beautiful, Clean and Safe Downtown.

Board Meeting Dates

All meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee will meet in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act”).

Board meetings are held at onFlume Professional Coworking, 527 Flume Street in Downtown Chico.

Request to be added to a mailing list for PBID meetings to:, with subject: Add to PBID Mailng List.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) Directors, as follows:

The Board of Directors shall elect seven (7) Directors, and a minimum of five (5) of these Directors shall be made up of owners of real property located within the assessment district (or a designated representative of an owner within the assessment district). Each Director will serve a two-year term. These elected Director positions have staggered terms such that one year two (2) Director positions shall be up for election, and the next year three (3) Director positions shall be up for election.  Each Director shall be limited to serving a maximum of five (5) consecutive terms, and may serve again after taking one year off as a Director.  Elections for Director positions shall be held at the meeting of the Board as described in Section 4.4.3 of the PBID By-Laws.

Members of the Board of Directors

Tom DiGiovanni, President

David Halimi, Treasurer

Greg Scott

Chris Daniels

Jennifer Mackall

Alan Tochterman

Eric Hart

Advisor to the Board 

Megan Kurtz, CSU Chico

Management Plan

Developed by a coalition of property and business owners, the Downtown Chico Property Based Business Improvement District (“PBID”) is a assessment district designed to improve properties within Downtown Chico. The PBID was established pursuant to the state law; the “Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994”.

Board agendas and packets are posted on the PBID website 72 hours before each meeting and will be available at 527 Flume Street, Chico, CA 95928.